Entomologia Forense e Medicina Veterinária Legal: o primeiro estudo multidisciplinar de caso de miíase em cão doméstico pela Polícia Científica de Santa Catarina


In 2022, the Forensic Entomology Division (DENT) was formalized at the Scientific Police of Santa Catarina (PCISC). Thus, entomological traces began to be used in the investigations occurring in Santa Catarina State, mainly to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI). However, “Forensic” insects have several other applications. In addition, given the importance and demand for cases involving specific examinations in animals, in 2023 the PCISC also created the Legal Veterinary Medicine Division (DMVT). In this multidisciplinary forensic context, this work aimed to present the first entomological study of a myiasis case in a domestic dog, integrating the examinations of these technical divisions of the PCISC. The necropsy on the animal's corpse found several wounds containing infestations by dipteran larvae. The specimens were identified as larvae of Cochliomyia hominivorax, the screwworm fly. After entomological analyses, it was possible to estimate the minimum infestation time in 5 days, minimum time without adequate veterinary treatment to prevent the progression of the lesions and the development of myiasis, resulting in the death of the animal.


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  • Victor Wilson Botteon,
  • Igor Salles Perecin,
  • Anderson Gaedke,
  • Nicole Goumbieski,
  • Victor Wilson Botteon

    Universidade de São Paulo

    Perito Criminal Geral do Instituto Geral de Perícias do Estado de Santa Catarina (IGP/SC). Ex-Perito Criminal do Estado de São Paulo. Possui graduação em Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas pela Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São Paulo (ESALQ/USP) e Mestrado em Ciências pelo Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, da Universidade de São Paulo (CENA/USP). Autor de publicações científicas nas áreas de Entomologia e Ciências Forenses. Atua como professor de Criminalística e Medicina Legal em cursos preparatórios para concursos públicos.

    Igor Salles Perecin

    Anderson Gaedke

    Nicole Goumbieski

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