Levantamento do perfil individual e do tipo de armamento apreendido pela 2ª Delegacia Regional da Polícia Civil de Minas Gerais nos últimos 11 anos


According to a WHO report in 2014, Brazil was the world leader in firearm-related deaths, highlighting a growing public safety problem, especially where crime is high. This study analyzed data from the 2nd Regional Civil Police Station of Minas Gerais between 2012-2022, looking at the profile of illegal gun owners and the most common types. According to the results, 2015 had the highest number with 71 seizures, totaling 572 over the period, with rifles (37.3%) and .32 caliber weapons (26.4%) standing out. Most of the incidents did not involve drugs (87.2%). The typical profile of the accused includes men (92.26%), white (57.99%), over 40 years old, with complete primary education (52.6%) and having some form of employment (54.12%). Alfenas had the most occurrences (153), followed by Machado (96). Comparing the pre-pandemic (PP) and pandemic (DP) periods, in the PP period March recorded the highest number of seizures (50) while in the DP period the month with the highest number of seizures was August (16). The type of weapon seized in both the PP and DP periods was the .32 and .22 caliber rifle, followed by the revolver. The type of ammunition seized in the PP was .380, followed by .12 and .28, and in the DP it was .32 and .38. Both before and during the pandemic, illegal possession of weapons was the main type of seizure. Thus, it can be concluded that the profile of those indicted remained similar, with a significant reduction in occurrences during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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