Análise de assinaturas estáticas produzidas em tela


This study aimed to compare traditional pen and paper signatures and digitally captured signatures on a cell phone screen with different instruments: free index and little fingers, adapted finger pen position, and stylus, without prior training and after a two-minute training. Several discriminating elements were analyzed (morphology, choice of allograph (s), construction, pen lifts, intraword and interword spacing, connections, arrangement, slant or slope, dimensions, proportions, speed, fluency, writing quality, commencements and terminations, angular measurements). Signature samples were produced by 20 volunteers with automatic writing. In general, the discriminating elements of writing more affected were line quality, angular measurements, dimension, and fluency. Elements less affected were the construction and choice of allographs. These results are in accordance with the literature, that the fingertips do not have the same precision and accuracy as the use of a pen, and show less reproducibility. Stylus showed more comparability than other instruments tested in digitally captured signatures. In regard to training, the results corroborate previous findings that training helps in the adaptation of graphomotor movement, especially in fingers with less muscle memory. It was observed that stylized signatures presented fewer changes than legible signatures.


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    Jessica Baleiro Okado

    Policia Civil- superintendência

    Graduação Bacharelado em Ciências Físicas e Biomoleculares, Mestrado em Ciências- subárea Física Biomolecular, doutorado em andamento em Ciências- subárea Física Biomolecular

    Mariana Cepollaro Diana

    Superintendência de Polícia Técnico-Científica de São Paulo

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