The Importance of the Use of Genetic Profile Banks in Brazil and Preservation of the Chain of Custody


The academic activity entitled "The importance of the use of the Brazilian Genetic Profile Bank and the preservation of the chain of custody" aims to analyze the use of genetic data, especially those present in the Brazilian Genetic Profile Bank, in solving crimes, in addition to highlighting the importance of using a properly preserved chain of custody, which is characterized as a fundamental element in solving these crimes. To this end, the process of technical development and adoption of the use of genetic data in police investigations at national and international levels was analyzed, as well as the techniques and technological apparatus that involve them, thus tracing a timeline from the beginning of the use of this information at the investigative level to the present, with the formal adoption of these methods in Brazil, which had as a milestone Law 12.654/2012, establishing the National Bank of Genetic Profiles, thus demonstrating the interactive character of the various areas of knowledge and their development according to the needs of each historical moment.


brazilian genetical profiles bank
chain of custody
forensic science
Genetical profile
banco de perfilies geneticos brasileño
cadena de custodia
ciencia forense
perfiles geneticos
banco de perfis genéticos brasileiro
cadeia de custódia
ciências forenses
Perfis genéticos


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