Violência doméstica contra a mulher durante a pandemia do COVID-19: a experiência no Núcleo de Odontologia Legal-IML-SP


The social isolation caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic has caused women to be confined at home with their partners. Research conducted [11] showed an increase in cases of domestic violence, which motivated and became the object of this research to verify whether there was an increase in cases of corporal injury resulting from domestic violence against women treated at the Forensic Odontology Laboratoty of the Legal Medical Institute of São Paulo. As a methodology, data were collected from reports of corporal injury in women from the years 2018 to 2020, separating the pandemic years from the non-pandemic. The analyzed data were age, level of education, ethnicity, severity of the injury, harmful agent, area of ​​the stomatognathic system affected and degree of kinship or coexistence with the aggressor. The analysis of the data collected showed that there was a drop in the number of visits during the pandemic, but an increase in aggression against women and domestic violence against women in the pandemic period, with an increase in all age groups. Data on level of education and on harmful agents showed no differences between periods, and data on ethnicity showed a small increase in self-declared brown women in the pandemic period and in aggressions by partners to the detriment of other aggressors. Data analysis also showed a percentage increase in injuries classified as severe and in injuries to anterior teeth. It is concluded, therefore, that there was a percentage increase in cases of domestic violence against women.


Forensic Odontology
Domestic Violence
Corporal Injury
Odontologia Legal
Violência Doméstica
Lesão Corporal
Odontologia Legal
Violência Doméstica
Lesão Corporal


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