The Use Of Biological Matrices In Forensic Toxicology With Emphasis On Crime Solving: O Uso De Matrizes Biológicas Na Toxicologia Forense Com Ênfase Na Resolução De Crimes


Forensic science studies, analyzes, classifies, and determines the elements or substances that have been found at crime scenes, or that may be related to it. The role of investigators is to unravel crimes and thus enable the guilty to be punished and the innocent to be freed. In view of this, this paper aims to present the main techniques of extraction of biological matrices and the analytical tests most commonly used in toxicological analysis in crimes. To prepare the research, searches were conducted for data electronically available in official agencies, books, scientific articles available in the databases Google academic Ⓡ and PubMed, between the years 2012 to 2022. The complexity of the matrices of use in forensic toxicology and the increase in substances that can be used as means of criminal investigation, make this field of science of great importance. We must always take into consideration the correct choice of the matrix that we want to analyze and according to the objective we are seeking in the solution of a case. Thus, it can be concluded that the criminal sciences have been of great importance through the various techniques and procedures cited. In this sense, more studies on the subject are necessary.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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