Uso do solo para fins forenses: rastreamento de veículo suspeito


A total of 68 physical, chemical and mineralogical parameters were obtained from laboratory analyzes for each of the soil samples collected from the vehicles involved in the tracking. Given the physical results (sand and clay + silt + organic matter contents), morphological (coloration of the sand fraction and clay + silt fraction of the samples), mineralogical (mineral composition of the sand fraction and clay + silt fraction) and chemical (contents of the total elements of the sand fraction obtained by extraction with HF and HNO3 and contents of poorly crystalline, crystalline oxides, aluminosilicates of low structural order and gibbsite extracted from the clay + silt fraction with OA, DCB and NaOH), it was observed that the samples of Celta and Fox vehicles are more homogeneous to each other compared to the Honda Civic vehicle samples. There is, therefore, a larger correlation between the soil samples collected from the Celta and Fox vehicles. It is also concluded that the Celta and Fox vehicles had the municipality of Cristal-RS as the probable source of production of soil traces, while the Honda vehicle Civic had the municipality of Lajeado-RS as a possible source of production of soil traces.


Forensic sciences
Soil science
Soil mineralogy
Ciências forenses
Ciência do Solo
Mineralogia do solo


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