Revisão por pares como ferramenta para o controle de qualidade dos laudos periciais oficiais: importância da consolidação no Brasil e proposta de um procedimento


This study investigated the use of peer review as a quality control tool for official forensic reports in Brazil, proposing a procedure for application in Brazilian forensic institutes. The methodology involved a comprehensive literature review and the distribution of questionnaires to official forensic agencies through transparency portals, in accordance with the Access to Information Law. The questionnaires inquired about the implementation of peer review and specific existing norms. Of the 28 agencies consulted, 23 responded, with 13 reporting the use of peer review. Among these, 10 indicated that the tool is not routinely applied, but only under exceptional circumstances: voluntarily, in complex cases, or in specific sectors. Most responses revealed confusion between the concept of peer review and co-authorship of forensic examinations. International literature highlights the effectiveness of peer review in Forensic Sciences, improving the grounding of results, minimizing errors, and ensuring the integrity of scientific knowledge. Based on the data, a retrospective peer review procedure (post-report issuance) was proposed, involving the analysis of random samples of issued reports, double-blind evaluation, and formal and confidential feedback to the experts. Regular meetings were suggested to discuss common deficiencies and present highlighted cases. The next step will be the legal analysis of prospective peer review to evaluate potential conflicts with professional confidentiality and the autonomy of experts, with the aim of proposing an updated and legally viable model.


Peer Review
Quality Control
Forensic Sciences
Expert Report
Official Forensic Examination
Revisão por pares
Controle de Qualidade
Ciências Forenses
Laudo Pericial
Perícia Oficial


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