Procedimento Operacional Padrão (POP) para perícia de locais de crime contendo vestígios de solo


The main objective in forensic soil analysis is to associate soil collected at a crime scene with trace samples collected from shoes, clothing, tools, vehicles, and other objects of the suspect. Colloidal soil particles (mainly clay) have a high specific surface area and surface electrical charges, which gives them large ability to adhere to other surfaces in a humid or wet state. In this context, guiding forensic professionals in the collection of traces and microtraces of soil at crime scenes for future chemical, physical and mineralogical analyses, as well as allocation of aliquots for entomological, palynological and metagenomic examinations, is essential for the mentioned association is established. The procedure for collecting soil traces and microtraces is a phase of primary importance in the chain of custody, which must be maintained and documented throughout the investigation, remaining intact until the end of the criminal process. Consequently, the entire collection process that will be described later, as well as the safe storage of samples, soil characterization and analytical methods, requires rigorous procedures, which aim to make the collected material a probative element and, finally, assume undoubted validity in the court of law.


Forensic Sciences
Soil Science
Material transfer
Ciências Forenses
Ciência do Solo
Transferência de material


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