Lie To Me: uma análise da identificação de mentiras à luz da literatura



Objective: To study how the identification of lies in human communication is approached in selected scenes of the television series Lie To Me based on the analysis of 6 channels - voice, linguistic content, interactional style, psychophysiology, facial movements and body movements. Method: Descriptive study. The selection of scenes with greater theoretical content was carried out through visual inspection and their contrast with the supposedly inspiring literature of the series and with complementary bibliography. Scenes were classified by lie analysis channels and framed in at least one of the six channels as well as in additional secondary scenes. All of them were transcribed into the body of the text, containing screen capture, scene time, characters included, context and location and respective speeches. Results: The twelve chosen scenes had scientific support, but also showed caricatures of the identification of lies that deserved reservations. More scenes were found in the facial movements channel and less in the linguistic content channel. Conclusion: The analysis of the scenes revealed theoretical disagreement with the authors of the selected bibliography, which makes the real identification process difficult. Moreover, the analyzed passages demonstrated, for the popular imagination, the importance of facial expressions in detecting deception, as well as fueling a romanticized view of the existence of a superhuman ability to identify lies.

Keywords: Lie detection; TV shows; Multichannel Analysis; Emotions; Communication.



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