Manchas de sangue e sua relevância em locais de crime: relato de caso referente a homicídio


Accurate analysis of blood stains at crime scenes is of extremely relevant in the work of criminal experts, since such hematological traces are frequent in these scenarios. Thus, a precise identification and classification of hematoid stains becomes professionally useful and can be fundamental in establishing the dynamics and diagnosis of the criminal event. Thus, the objective of this study was to report a homicide case that occurred in a city located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and highlight the importance of the technical analysis of blood stains at the location of the events. In the case explored, the study of bloodstains was essential for the expert inference of the violent dynamics and diagnosis of the legal cause of death. Forensic hematology shows itself as a proficient field of forensic sciences that can effectively assist the expert in a scientific assessment at a crime scene. Furthermore, it is observed that there is a scarce literature addressing the theme, mainly at the national level, which leads to further studies in this area of ​​knowledge.

Key-words: blood stains; crime scene; homicide; forensic sciences.


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