Identificação de agrotóxicos, popularmente conhecidos como “chumbinho”, em alimentos e bebidas relacionados a locais de crimes no Estado da Bahia


Chumbinho is a clandestine product, banned since 2012, in a dark gray or graphite granular form. These are pesticides for agricultural use improperly used as a rodenticide. Data from the Information System of Notifiable Diseases of the Ministry of Health show that exogenous intoxication by lead pellets is considered an important cause of morbidity and mortality in Bahia, being widely reported in suicides and homicides due to easy access, low cost and effectiveness, resulting in a serious public health problem. The objective of this work is to report the frequency of pesticides known as chumbinho in foods and beverages related to the crime scene through reports issued by the Central Laboratory of Technical Police of Bahia. A descriptive study was carried out using positive reports for pesticides related to the granular form added to foods and beverages issued by the Coordination of Forensic Bromatology registered in the Integrated System of Forensic Administration from January 2016 to December 2018. The work was submitted for consideration of the Research Ethics Committee of the University of the State of Bahia, being approved according to Opinion No. 4,428,002. A total of 148 reports corresponding to suspected intoxication resulting from harmful substances were analyzed. It was found that the organophosphate Terbufós registered the highest frequency in the reports, followed by carbamates: carbofuran, with registration canceled in the country; methomyl and aldicarb. The high incidence of severe poisoning and mortality suggest preventive strategies regarding the use of these pesticides, aiming to restrict indiscriminate access to these potent toxic agents.


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