Abate de onça-pintada (Panthera onca Linnaeus, 1758) por arma de fogo no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil


The jaguar (Panthera onca) is the largest and most fascinating carnivore in South America, but its population is in sharp decline and currently appears on MMA's Official National List of Endangered Fauna Species. Habitat loss and conflicts between jaguars and humans are the main threats to the species. In 2021, on the limits of a State Park, a jaguar specimen was found dead in a river between Guapiara and Capão Bonito cities of São Paulo state. The animal was immediately sent to the University of Sorocaba, Sorocaba / SP, for post mortem examinations and diagnosis of the determining cause of death. The animal was killed by a large-caliber firearm, possibly as a result of predation by domestic production animals. During post mortem examinations, a fracture in the right thoracic limb caused by a firearm was diagnosed, probably prior to the slaughter of the animal. Environmental education is still an excellent tool to help conservation programs of endangered species.


Environmental crime, Predator, Conservation, Felidae.
Crime ambiental, Predador, Conservação, Felidae.


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