Valoração de danos ambientais por condução de veículos pesados com Sistema de Redução Catalítica Seletiva (SCR) adulterado


Vehicular emissions issue is longstanding and comprehensive, directly related to the compromise of health resources due to cardiorespiratory problems and damage to the natural environment. These emissions lead to more intense natural phenomena, with gradual, harmful changes in our atmosphere. The present study introduces an innovative methodology for the valuation of environmental damages associated with the operation of diesel vehicles equipped with adulterated Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems. The method proposes calculations for Direct Use Value (DUV) and Indirect Use Value (IUV) components, based on the "savings" resulting from the non-use of ARLA32 and the marginal pollution caused by the emission of substances exceeding the tolerated limit. Additionally, a case study is presented to demonstrate the application and validity of the methodology, yielding appropriate and coherent results in line with the reality of a specific mobile source. This methodology can be replicated by other forensic experts working in the field of environmental analysis.


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