Modernizando o gerenciamento de vestígios forenses: aplicação de RFID nas centrais de custódia


This article addresses the adoption of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) for the management of forensic evidence in custody centers, operated by forensic institutions, as an efficient alternative for inventory control. RFID technology enables the tracking of materials without the need for physical reading, thereby saving time and costs. The enactment of Brazilian Law 13,964/2019, which amended the Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code, mandated the establishment of custody centers for the storage and control of evidence, with their management linked to the central agency responsible for criminal forensic investigations. Consequently, secure, efficient, and feasible methods are necessary for the control of stored materials. According to the literature, physical inventory is the most effective method for inventory control. However, manual execution of this process is time-consuming and costly, particularly for large volumes, making the automation of this process an opportunity to overcome these challenges. Therefore, an analysis of the historical application of RFID technology and its current state of the art was conducted, and it was concluded that RFID offers a promising solution for inventory management. It enables compliance with legal regulations and provides substantial enhancements in the accuracy and efficiency of the custody process for evidence related to criminal investigations.


Chain custody
Custody center
Forensic evidence inventory
inventory control
Cadeia de custódia
Central de custódia
Inventário de vestígios forenses
Controle de estoque


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