Profile of the elderly assisted in a Legal Medical Department from 2017 to 2022: cross-sectional, retrospective and descriptive study


Brazilian population's aging is an occurrence that has been occurring in recent decades, with the elderly considered a vulnerable group to violence and trauma. The COVID-19 pandemic provided a warning about domestic violence. The objective of this study was to identify the profile of elderly people in the Metropolitan Region of Vitória-ES who suffered bodily injuries, describe the time elapsed from the attacks to carry out the bodily injury examination, the bond with the aggressor and the means/object of aggression, through reports of bodily injuries examined at the Medical-Legal Department of Vitória-ES, from July 2017 to June 2022, including the periods before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The year of the incident, personal information, factual situation and official questions from the bodily injury examination reports were collected. Many data not reported in the reports were observed, but without compromising the analyses. There was a homogeneous distribution of the number of reports between the years evaluated and in the periods before and during the pandemic; 53.8% of the elderly were male, 47.5% were in the 60-64 age group and 48.7% sought to undergo a physical injury examination within two days. Many attackers had family ties. The most frequently observed means of aggression was corporal, with punches being the most frequent. Violence against people aged 60 or over requires encouragement to carry out physical injury examinations and reports must be filled out more accurately, providing special attention to the elderly, as violence against this group constitutes a serious public health problem.


Elder Abuse
Public Health
Abuso de Idosos
saúde pública


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