Panorama dos crimes contra a fauna na Região Metropolitana do Recife-PE, Brasil


This study aimed to analyze the crime profiles against fauna that occurred in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Pernambuco, based on the information in the Circumstantiated Terms of Occurrence, registered on the Delegacia de Policia do Meio Ambiente of Pernambuco’s database. 326 occurrences were evaluated and the variables analyzed included cases per year, municipality, and registered reports per species/category involved, the type of infraction, gender and age group of the offenders, and occurrences per neighborhood in the city of Recife. The number of recorded occurrences related to crimes against fauna in the MRR has been increasing constantly. Offenders are predominantly men aged 20–59 years, whose infractions are related to mistreatment, with wild birds being the main victims. Based on the data obtained, attention should be drawn to the need for discussion and action aimed at environmental education and animal protection, as well as the strategic guidance of police actions.


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